Comedy Central Movie Titanic
8,7 of 10.
release Year 1997.
Leonardo DiCaprio.
score 1006588 Vote.
writed by James Cameron.
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I like how the electricity goes down on beat. Titanic karaoke.
My five year old daughter is facinated in watching this! like constantly asking if we can watch the Titanic show. sad that the history channel took it off the app on my TV though. Dogs: bARk bARK barK Cats: MeoW meOw meOW Idiots: 2019? 2019? 2019? Guys please stop saying “anyone watching in 2019” we really dont care and we only came for the video not a dumb out of context comment.
I've read everything about the ship, and even I didn't know most of this. Good job
Who is Titanic maker.
03:34 Wait! Its filmed over 80 years of the accident, and after 80 years on underwater, this wood stills so good as that? Strange...
I find it hard to believe people are still spending money to see this. The clichés, the glitz, the kitsch are enough to make one choke - like some plastic Madonna designed as a back-drop to a Wagnerian opera by Walt Disney on a Sterno binge. But the real flaw is that it just goes on and on, milking every possible tear from the eyes of deluded teenagers who read one historical 'romance' novel too many.
I don't even know why I watched it through the end - except it was on cable, and a documentary on the real Titanic tragedy was immediately scheduled after. (Watching it free is the only way to see this wretched excess without giving the studio hacks behind it the wrong idea, that it might have been worth making - it wasn't.) Anyway, I thought the people freezing took an awful long time going to meet their maker. But perhaps they were waiting to meet the maker of this movie, who obviously took a vacation during the corporate filming of it. Needed extra time to count the money from the suckers, doncha know. br>
A complete travesty of anything like real historical drama.
Saved from the titanic the first movie was released how many days after the tragic event.
I wish Jacks mate actually survived. It would have added more to the story.
Even if the Titanic could be recovered, people need to keep in mind that there disrespecting all of the souls that died in the ship, its like carving a grave. It would be best to leave it alone...
I cried for the poor family separated in the ship! mother father brother sister babys grandma grandpa leave a like if you feel bad too!😥😥😥.
0:00 - 0:02 - Titanic says Do not let me go without boats for everyone, nooooooooo ! 4 nights later. Bodies floating in the water Bodies under the sea frozen bodies Bodies crushed by the fall of the stern. Bodies being eaten by fish Bodies and more bodies.
Any one believe ? loll. Titanic chair. Feel really sad when this was gonna be the last time these people would waved goodbye. Titanic flute fail. 3:12 scared me thought some people was really there. Who owned the Titanic. Watching This In 2020. Paintings of titanic sinking. Can you raise Titanic. Wow I can't believe life anymore.
Why dont we just use a portal gun to bring it back up
Such a eerie feeling watching this knowing that thousands suffered and died. R.I.P. to those who didnt survive 💕🌹you will forever be in our hearts and history. Titanic exhibit.
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